Portland, Oregon
So I suppose I’ll start this one off with saying that I finally “upgraded” and started to use an IPhone. I made this decision for 2 reasons. 1, the camera is kick ass. The image quality is super crazy. I look back at my recent photos and instantly I’m bummed that I didn’t have this caliber of camera with me in Baja. Reason 2. I’ll never get lost and I can find cool shit to do. Yes, I understand the drawback. The fun of traveling is getting lost and discovering new things. This phone makes it easier to do. It also takes risk out of the equation which is a concern for me. With risk comes reward. I suppose I’ll find out soon enough.
The Northern California Coast is blowing my mind. I’ve spent 33 years trapped in Southern California and no one ever told me that if I just went 8 hours, North or South, I wouldn’t see anymore chain restaurants or strip malls. What the fuck?!
I felt like a 7 year old looking at my first Playboy magazine. “Wow!”, was all I could say as I winded up the highway through the Redwood forest. I’ve never seen so many trees before in my life! Then I got that feeling that I haven’t had since Mexico. That calmness that takes over when nothing else matters because I’m doing what I love. I couldn’t take it anymore. So I pulled over, twisted one up and got lost in the forest for a few hours.
What tops the forest? Wild Elk, that’s what. So I made like Sigourney Weaver and hung out wit these critters for a few.
Eventually I made my way into Oregon and it just got better.
So I finally made it to Portland and already my phone is yelling at me. I had some places to be and alarms were set that I forgot about. It’s 5 o’clock and my phone is telling me that I need to be in 3 different places withing the next 3 hours. “Fuck this”, I tell myself. So I bailed on everything and trucked over to the Hollywood district of PDX. Why?
Because 3 years ago I started following this blog that changed the way I thought about how I wanted to live my life. Obviously, I was pretty excited to meet Ally and Pat. We were supposed to meet up in Mexico but it never happened. Inspiration is a powerful feeling and I’m stoked that I found the balls to act on it.
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